Adam Griggs

Adam spent many years in theatre firstly as a Tobias brothers and performing as one of the main Theatre Sports comedians. He has an Associate Diploma in Performing Arts and is Allied Health and Community Services qualified. Adam created the business; “Don’t Punch Judy” (Arty and Inclusive) to bring traditional fun back to communities This work included Puppets, Clowning and Musical Therapy.

His work with the Austin Health - Royal Talbot Rehabilitation Centre, Mary Guthrie House have included utilizing his 40 years as a professional musician bringing drum therapy to the aged, especially for people with dementia. Adam’s disability support services have included working with clients with quadriplegia and Acquired Brain Injuries (ABI), children with ASD and clients with complex global disabilities.

Adam is also known for his many years of bringing joy through workshops at Rare bears in Eltham. A main influence, friend and mentor of Adam’s is Dr. Patch Adams “PATCH”. Adam was one of the first Clown Doctors at the Royal Children’s Hospital. Adam continues to communicate with Patch and hopes to bring him out to Montsalvat.

Andrew Keese

Web designer, web developer and online marketing consultant. Co-owner of Silver Vine, a web design agency located in Melbourne, Australia.

Adele O'Shea


Keiko Matsui