Still Life, oil on board - Sonia Skipper
Still Lifes of Montsalvat’s Past
WHERE | Long Gallery
“And while Merv grows the veg and flowers
And writes, Sone milks the cows,
Helps with the building. Helen tends horses,
Sue cooks the roasts and cakes and sauces.
Arthur too, brings me luck,
Selling vegies in his truck.
Georgie grows the old grape vine
To make for us red, velvet wine.”
Mervyn, Sonia, Arthur, Helen and George by Sue Vanderkelen
An exert from the first Stanza, Symphony in J Major and other poems by Sue Vanderkelen, edited by Michael Jörgensen
Still Lifes of Montsalvat’s Past is a collection of works from Montsalvat’s archives, exploring themes of food, life and death.
Traditionally, still-life paintings depict food and drink as their subject matter, from opulent feasts to modest fare. As the focal point, the simple subject matter is transformed, becoming a window that offers a glimpse into moments past.
Food played a central role in the Montsalvat community. Sue Vanderkelen, poet and once resident of Montsalvat, “would spend her time creating sumptuous but elegant dinners for the workers and their guests. She was a magnificent cook in the French tradition” - Montsalvat by Sigmund Jörgensen
A typical day spent at Montsalvat began with labouring over the iconic mudbrick or stone buildings. The afternoons were for painting or working on any manner of crafts, from metal work to stone carving or ceramics. Regardless of the pursuit, the day would always end with everyone coming together and sharing a meal, red wine and good conversation.
Works from the Montsalvat Permanent Collection